Lace Sachets


Lace Sachets

This favor is not only very easy and inexpensive to make, they are also fully customizeable to fit your wedding theme and/or colors by using different colored ribbons and lace squares. Fill with potpourri or dried flowers that match your flower arrangement. These would make great favors if you are having a victorian or holiday theme.

The most wonderful thing about these favors are that they are only limited by your imagination. They also make wonderful gifts for your bridesmaids, maid/matron of honor, sisters, parents and even for yourself! Make a few extra to stick in your dresser drawers to keep your clothes smelling fresh.

This craft is courtesy of Floral Home and is used by permission. They retain all rights; copyrights to all contents, directions, and images are the property of Floral Home.


  • 10″ Square White Lace
  • 1/4 Cup Lavender Flowers
  • 24″ White Satin Ribbon, 1″Width


  • Scissors
  • Iron
  • Sewing Machine
  • White Thread
  • Fusible Web

Using a sewing machine will be a great advantage when making these sachets. However, you will be able to make them using a needle and thread or fusible web to bind them together.

  1. Fold the lace square in half and cut it. Fold each half in half again and cut them. You will use only 3 of the 4 pieces.
  2. Fold each lace section in half, making a rectangle shape and iron it. Sew one short side and one long side. With one side folded over, sewing the others should make a tube shape with the top open. If you don’t have a sewing machine, you may stitch the sides by hand or insert fusible web and iron them together.
  3. Fold the lace tubes inside out, so the seam is on the inside. Stuff each one with equal amounts of lavender and rose petals until they are plump. You may want to mix the lavender and rose petals in a bowl before stuffing the sachets.
  4. Turn the top section in to create a finished edge. Insert a small piece of fusible web and apply a hot iron to seal the end.
  5. Find the center of the ribbon and place it under one of the small pillow shaped sachets. Stack the other two on top of it and tie the ribbon around all three. Knot the ribbon on top and tie a bow. Trim the ends of the ribbon in a V shape.

The information on this instruction sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed, nor is freedom from any patent is to inferred. Since we have no control over physical conditions surrounding the application of information herein contained, Floral Home disclaims any liability for untoward results.