Meaning of the traditional elements of the bride

Something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue.

Meaning of the traditional elements of the bride

All celebrations have a particular symbolism or tradition. However, in the world of weddings, tradition revolves around the bride with the famous phrase: “something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue.” That is why we wanted to take away your doubts and explain the meaning of the traditional elements of the bride that this expression contains.

Something new

Meaning of the traditional elements of the brideWearing a new object, accessory, clothing or accessory in the marriage dress will symbolize the new path you want to take with the husband after getting married. So this element will bring prosperity, happiness, optimism and hope in the future.

Bride accesories

Something old

The wedding can mean the closing of the singleness cycle. However, the past should not be separated from the future. Therefore, wearing an old item means:

What is left behind to start a new stage.
The connection and continuity of the past and family life.

At this point, many brides decide to use a particular accessory that their mother or grandmother took to the altar. For example, a ring of yesteryear, the headdress or wedding dress.

Something Borrowed

Meaning of the traditional elements of the bride

Do you know any successful marriage between your family or friends? So, it’s time to borrow some of your happiness and good fortune.

To do this, you just have to ask the bride for some of her accessories that they need on their big day to adapt it to your bridal outfit.

Wedding blue bouquetSomething blue

As a last point, we have the colorful touch. With an element in blue tone that has as meaning the loyalty, fidelity, purity and love that the bride and groom hope to reap in their married life.

A nice way to add this element is in the bride’s shoes or in the bouquet. However, if it does not match the colors you have chosen, you can wear it in a hidden way with a blue bow in your garter or lingerie.

Did you already know the meaning of the traditional elements of the bride? Tell us how you would choose them.