Wedding Gown Trains


Wedding Gown Trains



Many brides wonder about the different types of wedding trains and their lengths. We have put together a list that will hopefully clear up your questions! Pictures coming soon!



This is a shortest type of train. It gently sweeps the floor and is normally only a few inches longer than the gown itself, about 8″ to 12″ in length.


This type of train extends about 3 feet (about 1 yard) from the waist.


This tpe of train extends approximately 4 feet (about 1 1/3 yards) from the waist.


This type of train extends approximately 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 feet from the waist.


This train extends approximately 9 feet (3 yards) from the waist.


This train type measures 3 or more yards from the waist. This type of train is mainly associated with royal weddings (think Princess Diana!)