Addressing Outer Envelopes


Addressing Outer Envelopes

Need help addressing outer envelopes? Below are some helpful tips to get you started! Please note that these directions will vary depending on what source you use.

  • Use full names and titles (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss).
    • Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin
    • Mr. Thomas Jefferson
    • Ms. Florence Nightingale
  • Use professional titles, if applicable.
    • The Honorable and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin
    • President Thomas Jefferson
  • If inviting a married couple with different last names, you can put both names on one line or on two lines (depending on how much room is available).
    • Mr. David Arquette and Mrs. Courtney Cox
    • Mr. Humphrey Bogart
      Mrs. Lauren Bacall
  • If inviting an unmarried couple living together, put names in alphabetical order by last name (the man’s name does not automatically go first).
    • Ms. Jennifer Aniston
      Mr. Bradley Pitt
  • Spell out all names; do not use initials.
  • Do not use symbols; spell out the word “and”.
  • Spell out all names; do not use initials.
  • “and family” is not appropriate for the outer envelope.
  • Use figures only when writing zip codes and house numbers; spell out street names:
    • 123 North Second Avenue
      St. Paul, Minnesota 55110
  • Write out the words “Street”“Avenue”“Boulevard”“Lane”, etc.
  • Spell out all city names, such as “Saint Paul” instead of St. Paul.
  • Spell out all state names.